Sunday, February 13, 2011

January 23, 2011 (San Pedro Town (cont.): Day 3)

Today (Sunday) I "slept in" - by Belize standards- until about 8:00 AM, and headed off to breakfast (for the third day in a row) at Estel's. Kirby and Danielle (the Canucks) accompanied me. Since I was "feeling my oats" as the big "Poker Run" winner the previous evening, I treated the Canucks to breakfast. After breakfast, Danielle and I stopped on the way back at a local spa owned by a very attractive Canadian lady named "Cindy". Kirby actually knew from back home in Whistler (it really IS a small world after all). A young local kid named "Matthew" waxed Danielle's eyebrows, trimmed the "bush" on my chest (and tinted some of my gray chest hair to make me look a little less ancient), and chatted with us about some Belizian matters of interest to me including his purchase of a lot (on terms) in a nearby development on Ambergris Caye and the ins and outs of shipping things into Belize from the U.S. I guess it can be a real pain.

After our "spa morning" we returned to Pedro's Inn. I decided to take a swim in the Pedro Inn's "micropool" and do a little work on my laptop. For some reason, with the WIFI set up at Pedro's my iPAD was able to access the Internet but my laptop could not. Crazy! At least I was able to check my YAHOO e-mails and send out a few. At about 2:30 PM everybody at Pedro's Inn started talking about a horseshoe tournament at a nearby bar called Crazy Canuck's. With all the Canadians in our delegation we decided we had to check it out. Of course, this meant that people would be DRINKING again-- and starting early this time. For the third day in a row! I just don't normally DO this!

The horseshoe tournament was interesting, but the really big event of the day was the NFL playoffs playing on the bar television sets. There was a group of oldster rockers playing some music as well (see photo below). It was like the Belizian version of theTriple Crown (football, music and beer)! We (sorta) watched the Packers beat Chicago, and eventually moved to a different nearby bar to continue the party. During this time I met three young men from Minnesota (the small world continues): Matthew from Plymouth, Minnesota (my former "next door neighbor from my Wayzata days who was an accountant considering going to law school and a former hockey player to boot); and two upstanding young men from -- of all places - Little Falls, Minnesota. Now -- what is wrong with this picture? As Black Bart asked in Blazing Saddles, "where DO they keep the (white or whatever color) women at" anyway? Unfortunately, the single men outnumbered the single women in San Pedro by about a ten to one margin (it reminded me of my days as a ski bum in Colorado-- except that I was 21 years old then). Meanwhile, my young Canuck friend Danielle was absolutely reveling in non-stop male attention. She was truly the proverbial "kid in a candy store" (as in "constantly swarmed by men"). Meanwhile, I made the BIG mistake of getting so loaded and having so much fun talking to all these crazy people and watching football that I FORGOT TO EAT. I just kept quaffing the Belikins, and you know that can lead to nothing but trouble! I eventually hitched a ride back to Pedro's Inn with my friends Mike and Amy (who had rented a sweet golf cart for the week). By this time, I realized I was SMASHED (but at least I recognized that I was starting to stumble around) so asked Danielle if she was hungry and she said "yes" so I decided to order a pizza. Another mistake-- the pizza was US$25.00 + it was too late to eat anyway + by the time it had arrived Danielle had disappeared with one of her paramours and I was stuck with trying to eat the entire pizza myself. Fortunately, there were a couple other drunks in the vicinity who helped me polish it off. For the THIRD night in a row-- I went to bed drunk AND by myself! The whole experience reminded me of Dean Wermer's classic admonition to "Flounder" in Animal House: "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life..."

Ronaldo Talking Some Serious Shit with Tyrone

You Can See the Band Way in the Back in This Photo

You Can See that "Tex" Has His Eye on Danielle Here

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